Monday, April 11, 2011


Who am I?--Don't judge me for doing an acrostic poem..
Athletic--love playing soccer(miss playing soccer on the beach during SB), laxing (Nicole and friends), playing flag football(my entire body is in pain after playing Delt/AlphaPhi 7 v 7 yesterday; 3rd place isn't so bad especially after getting that far from playing rock, paper, scissors), going to the gym(although I defeat the purpose by stuffing my face w/ food afterwards)
Smart--(I try to be). Woo hoo 7:30am class! I'm a Business Finance major(basically as of now I spend most of my free time working on group projects for BusMgt 330+331 which I am currently taking this quarter & trying to figure out solver....Eileen I feel your pain)
Happy--Usually in a good mood most of the time(might be due to Starbucks or Panera, two of my favorite places). Love all my sisters(actual sister & my 90 other ones)
Leadership--I hold a chair position for my sorority & I love it. I'm the social chair so I get to plan tgs and stuff. I'm a little stressed planning Greek Week events but I'm excited.
Europe--I want to live in Spain and work for an Internationl Co. I was part of an exchange program junior year of high school and stayed in Barcelona..I loveee it there and I know Spanish.
Y can't I be more like Henry Kissinger?!? lolz at Nicole Llinares--

Why did I join a sorority?
I'm in Delta Zeta and I love it. One of the first things I thought I wanted in a sorority was sisterhood. Being one of only a few girls who came to Ohio State from my high school, I felt a little out of place since my high school had 198 people and Ohio State has 50,000+. I wanted to find a place I could call home and sorority is a good way to make Ohio State feel a little smaller. I wanted a group of girls who I could count on---I've surely found my best friends here. I love DZ cause everyone is so unique and genuine( we have the loud ones, the mother figures, the laxers, the dancers, the future presidents, the journalists, the soldiers, the artsy ones, etc). Another reason I wanted to join a sorority was to have leadership and community service opportunities. I knew I wanted some sort of leadership role but I didn't know what kind. I didn't do much community service in high school, but through my sorority I've found that I enjoy volunteering(I even took a service learning class last quarter).

When I first got Tyler's email I was like what the heck is a blogabus, but after going through it I think it's kinda cool, especially that video about being relevant. It's true that our generation is very dependent on technology which can be a good thing(faster information travel and convenience) and a bad thing(dependence aka cells phones and macbooks, people lose human contact. I'm excited to blog since I know how to--I had to blog for my English 110 assignments. my white tee.

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